Worshiping together, serving together

Welcome to Trinity Church of Topsfield Massachusetts. We come from all walks of life, from different towns across the North Shore, and from different faith backgrounds. We are new and we have worshiped here for years. We are seekers and we are committed. We are believers and we are skeptics. We are young and we are old. We are serious about our faith, but we don’t take ourselves too seriously. We come together with a deep desire to grow spiritually through worship, learning, and service, and follow in the radical and inclusive love of God made known in Jesus Christ.


One of our great joys at Trinity Church is welcoming new people into our congregation. The promises we make in our Baptismal Covenant are to “seek and serve Christ in all persons,” and to “respect the dignity of every human being.”  We exercise our God-give gifts and passions for the benefit of others, and hope, work, and pray for a more loving, just, and kind world.

Trinity is a liturgical church that celebrates the sacrament of Holy Communion each week. We are rooted in the history and traditions of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion.   

You are welcome here!

If you have a specific need, or want to be added to our email newsletter, Click Here.

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  • Baptisms

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  • weddings

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  • funerals

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  • Worship service times

    Our normal Holy Eucharist worship service is from 9 AM to 10 AM on Sunday mornings, with coffee hour following the service. All are welcome - please come and join us!

    Our services are live streamed and recorded on YouTube and are available for Public Viewing.  The stream will start at ~5 minutes before the hour. 

    Please visit our YouTube Channel. roundedyoutube

  • Holy Week services

    • Sunday, April 13th - Palm Sunday 9 AM
    • Thurs, April 17th - Maundy Thursday 6 PM
    • Friday, April 18th - Good Friday: 12 Noon & Family Stations of the Cross 5 PM
    • Sunday, April 20th - Easter Sunday: 9 AM followed by a Children's Easter Egg Hunt & Coffee Hour at 10 AM

  • Church School is in session!

    Visit our updated Atriums at Trinity Church and learn about our Montessori-based, progressive, and developmental way of nurturing a child's relationship with God. For ages 4-11. Visit the Children page for more information.

  • Lenten Book Study

    Join us to discuss the book "How We Learn to be Brave, Decisive Moments in Life and Faith" by Mariann Edgar Budde. The book is available in paperback and hardcover and on audiobook. The group will meet on Wednesdays from 5-6 pm and includes a simple soup supper. On April 2nd we will discuss chapters 6-7. Even if you choose not to read the book, you are still welcome to join in on the conversation.


    The author explains that being brave is not a singular occurrence, it's a journey that we can choose to undertake every day. The book study ends on April 9th. 

  • Food Pantry Benefit Concert: Saturday, March 29th at 2:30 PM

    Come enjoy beautiful music all about love—romantic love, sacred love, all forms of love, including music from baroque, Italian opera, musical theater and more! Featuring soprano Sarah Mahon, soprano and pianist Laura Cutler, pianist Joseph Stroup, and student musicians. A free will donation will be collected for the TopCupboard Food Pantry, so come give what you can to help neighbors in need!

  • Spring Grounds Cleanup - Sat April 12th 9-3PM

    Many hands make light work. A sign-up sheet is located in Parish Hall, with specific tasks we are looking to have completed. We are looking forward to seeing you at our annual Spring Grounds clean up!

  • VBS 2025: Registration is now LIVE!

    VBS at Trinity Church from 9 am to noon on August 4, 5, 6 and 7th. 

    We took your suggestions, and added an extra day of fun this year!

    **CLICK HERE to Register your Child(ren)

  • Sunday Sermon Talkback on Mondays

    Is there a question that you're still thinking about from last Sunday's readings? An insight? Something you want to talk with others about?  Sermon Talkback is a space to gather in community to share whatever came up for you in the readings and/or sermon from the prior Sunday.  Rev. Jen will host the meetings.  This opportunity is meant for all ages. Please note that this is an online-only zoom based opportunity and not an in-person gathering at this time. 

    The zoom meeting will begin at 5:00 PM and end at 5:45 PM on Mondays (except Holidays). Here is the link to join.

  • Prayer Group - Tuesdays at 9:30 AM

    Be part of a group of people who pray together for our community. All are welcome to join!

    “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Ephesians 6:18

  • Pickleball IS BACK!

    Pickleball is back! We will have the Hall open from 5-6:30PM on every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month for those of you who are interested in playing Pickleball.

    Upcoming Pickleball dates: April 8th & April 22nd

    ** Please note that if there is a holiday on that Tuesday, then we will be canceling Pickleball that afternoon

  • Magic the Gathering - 2nd Monday of the month & 4th Tuesday of the month - Next date: April 14 & April 29th

    Do you like Magic? Come swing by our Trinity Library on the 2nd Monday of the month, AND 4th Tuesday of the month to learn, play, watch or trade at 5PM.

    Upcoming Magic Dates: April 14 & April 29th

    ** Please note that if there is a holiday on that date, then we will be canceling Magic that afternoon **

  • Mens breakfast

    The Men's breakfast meets monthly on the Second Thursday of the month at 8 AM in Parish Hall. This is a great opportunity for men to connect through casual conversation and networking.