Children and Teens

Trinity believes that children are a joyful and integral part of our church community. Children are welcome and included in worship. All people, including children of every age and ability are invited to partake in Holy Communion. We also foster a child’s connection to God by offering a Christian education program for children ages 4 to 11 on Sunday mornings.

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Christian Education

Our Christian Education is based on the Montessori-based Christian Formation programs: Godly Play and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Our classes are experiential, meeting in a specially designed room called an Atrium. This room is filled with materials from the Bible and Christian worship. In it the children learn by doing.

In the Atrium children are offered stories from the Bible tailored to their age and spiritual capacity. The atrium is a place of prayer and wondering, to help children “fall in love with Jesus the Good Shepherd.” Children also learn to recognize the actions and gestures seen in worship, so that they can joyfully participate.

On Sunday morning, children begin in church with their parents at 9 am. Art materials and children’s bulletins are available at the entry to the Church. Immediately after receiving communion with their families, children gather in the back of the church and process to the Atrium which runs from 9:50 – 10:45. Meanwhile, parents enjoy coffee hour until their children join them.  

The Atrium meets during the school year, from September to June. A staffed nursery care room is open during worship for toddlers up to age 4 from 8:45am to 10:15am.  

Preteens and young teens from about age 11 to about age 13 meet after the 9:00 a.m. worship service regularly. The developmentally appropriate Episcopal Church’s Rite-13 program serves as a guide.

Preparation for the Rite of Confirmation begins around grade 9. 

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For More Information...

We would love to hear from you! If you have a question about our nursery or atriums please call the church 978-887-5570 or email The Rev. Joyce Scherer-Hoock, Minister of Children and Families

Please complete this form to register your child(ren) for any and all programs and activities.

For information about pre-teen or teen gatherings, or Confirmation, please contact The Rev. Jen Vath, Rector.

Offerings for Children and Teens include:

       Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Day

       Children’s Choir offered seasonally

       Communion Enrichment- grades ~ 2-5


       Service Trips and Service projects for children and youth

       Vacation Bible School: August 4 through 7th for 2025 (4 days)

       Hot Dog Days of August Community Picnic: The third Wednesday of August