Trinity Choir


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Blue Hymnal MIDI Files

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Sunday March 16

Opening: BH 495 Hail Thou once despised Jesus 

Gradual: BH 654 Day by day 

Offertory: WLP 811 You Shall Cross The Barren Desert  

Communion Choir Anthem: LEVAS 203 There is a balm in Gilead

Closing: BH 401 The God of Abraham Praise

Sunday March 23

Opening: BH 372 Praise to the living God 

Gradual: BH 439 What wondrous love is this (w/violin)

Offertory: LEVAS 228 Go down, Moses  

Communion Choir Anthem: God so loved the world, Stainer

Closing: BH 685 Rock of ages

Sunday March 30

Opening: BH 411 O bless the Lord my soul

Gradual: BH 470 There's a wideness 

Offertory: BH LEVAS 109 What a friend we have in Jesus 

Communion Choir Anthem: Lord for Thy tender mercy's sake, Farrant

Closing: BH 690 Guide me o Thou great Jehovah

Sunday April 6

Opening: BH 441 In the cross of Christ 

Gradual: LEVAS 60 How great Thou art 

Offertory: BH 474 When I survey the wondrous cross  

Communion Choir Anthem: BH 701 Jesus all my gladness

Closing: BH 398 I sing the almighty power of God

Sunday April 13 (Palm Sunday)

Opening: BH 154 All glory laud and honor 

Gradual: BH 458 My song is love unknown, v 1-3  

Offertory: O God be with me, Howard Georgi  

Communion Choir Anthem: Ave verum corpus, Mozart

Closing: BH 156 Ride on, ride on in majesty

Sunday April 17 (Maundy Thursday)

Opening: BH 158 Ah holy Jesus 

Gradual: BH 325 Let us break bread together  

Offertory: WLP 831 Ubi caritas  

Communion Choir Anthem: Drop, drop slow tears, Gibbons

Closing: WLP 826 Stay with me

Sunday April 18 (Good Friday)

Opening: BH 168 O sacred head sore wounded  

Gradual: LEVAS 37 Were you there? 

Closing: LEVAS 38 The Old Rugged Cross

Sunday April 20 (Easter Sunday)

Opening: BH 207 Jesus Christ is risen today  

Gradual: BH 204 Now the green blade riseth  

Offertory: The Lord is risen, Morley, Thine be the glory, Handel  

Communion Choir Anthem: I know that my Redeemer liveth, Handel, Alleluia, Palestrina

Closing: BH 180 He is risen




Oh God Be With Me